Vaga de Security Software Engineer em Joinville - SC - ContaAzul

Veja a descrição da vaga e candidate-se!

Security Software Engineer

Postada em 30 de agosto de 2017

Quem somos
A ContaAzul é uma empresa de tecnologia de Santa Catarina, nascida no Vale do Silício em 2011. Nosso propósito é impulsionar o sucesso das pequenas empresas brasileiras. Hoje fazemos isso através de um software que ajuda milhares de pequenos empresários na gestão de seus negócios. Estamos estruturando um time fantástico, com profissionais que são referências no mercado e que vieram de grandes empresas como Google, Locaweb, Paypal entre outros. Queremos que o nosso time seja super capacitado, multi disciplinar, com muita autonomia e alinhamento com a estratégia do negócio, resultando em entregas significativas e de impacto. Além disso, acreditamos que o trabalho não pode ser a parte chata da vida, por isso buscamos conciliar trabalho com divertimento e qualidade de vida!
CLT (Efetivo)
a combinar
  • Vale Transporte
  • Vale Refeição
  • Vale Alimentação
  • Assistência Médica
  • Assistência Odontológica
  • Seguro de Vida
You are a skilled software engineer who enjoys security work and is an expert in systems security, applications security, network security, social engineering, cryptography or automated malware analysis. You are a security researcher who thrives on addressing real world problems and likes to code. We are looking for a skilled Security Engineer to work on our SRE team to analyze software designs and implementations from a security perspective, and identify and resolve security issues. You will include the appropriate security analysis, defences and countermeasures at each phase of the software development lifecycle, to result in robust and reliable software.
Software development expertise in one or more programming languages (Java preferred, but Python is good too); Detailed technical knowledge of techniques, standards and state-of-the art capabilities for authentication and authorization, applied cryptography, security vulnerabilities and remediation; Software development experience in one of the following core languages: Ruby, Java, JavaScript, .NET; Adequate knowledge of web related technologies (Web applications, Web Services, Service Oriented Architectures) and of network/web related protocols; Working knowledge of all vulnerability classes on the OWASP Periodic Table of Vulnerabilities; Experience in security auditing (tools including AppScan, Nessus, Burp Suite). Experience with industry compliance and security standards including PCI DSS, ISO 27001 Interest in all aspects of security research and development; BS degree in Computer Science or related field.